Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Update an ESXi Host Using Offline Bundles with the vihostupdate Utility

You can use the vihostupdate utility in conjunction with offline bundles or with a depot. This topic describes
the procedure using offline bundles.

Before you can update or patch an ESXi host from the command line, you must have access to a machine on which you can run the VMware vSphere Command-Line Interface (vSphere CLI). You can install the vSphere CLI on your Microsoft Windows or Linux system or import the VMware vSphere Management
Assistant (vMA) virtual appliance onto your ESXi host. For information about importing or installing the
vSphere CLI, see the VMware vSphere Command-Line Interface Installation and Reference Guide.

- First of all we must download the offline bundles from here

- Power off any virtual machines that are running on the host and place the host into maintenance mode.

- Find out which bulletins are applicable to the ESXi host.
• Search an offline HTTP server: --server --scan --bundle http:///
• Search the local machine: --server --scan --bundle /

The --server argument is the ESXi host name or IP address.
Do not specify more than one bundle ZIP file at the command line each time you run the command. If you
specify --bundle more than once, the command processes only the last file that was specified.

- (Optional) List all the bulletins that are available in the bundle.
• Search an offline HTTP server: --server --list --bundle http:///
• Search the local machine: --server --list --bundle /

This command lists all the bulletins contained in the bundle, even those that do not apply to the host.

- Install bulletins from the bundle on the ESXi host.
• Install from an offline HTTP server: --server --install --bundle http:/// --bulletin bulletin1,bulletin2
• Install from the local machine: --server --install --bundle / –bulletin bulletin1,bulletin2

If you omit the --bulletin argument, this command installs all the bulletins in the bundle.

- Verify that the bulletins are installed on your ESXi host. --server --query

- (Optional) Remove individual bulletins. --server --remove --bulletin bulletin1

Use this option only for removing bulletins that are third-party or VMware extensions. Do not remove
bulletins that are VMware patches or updates. vihostupdate can remove only one bulletin at a time.

Uninstall a Bundle from a Host
Use this procedure to uninstall bulletins that are third-party or VMware extensions.
Do not remove bulletins that are VMware patches or updates.

Before you can uninstall an update or patch from an ESXi host from the command line, you must have
access to a machine on which you can run the VMware vSphere Command-Line Interface (vSphere CLI). You can install the vSphere CLI on your Microsoft Windows or Linux system or import the VMware vSphere
Management Assistant (vMA) virtual appliance onto your ESXi host. For information about deploying or installing the vSphere CLI, see the VMware vSphere Command-Line Interface Installation and Reference Guide.

- Determine which bulletins are installed on your ESXi host. --server --query

Note the bundle ID for the bundle to uninstall.

- Run the vihostupdate command.
vihostupdate --server --remove --bulletin
vihostupdate can remove only one bulletin at a time.

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